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c(i) operator
SPDE package, 348
C-style inline comments, 349
CALI package, 350
cali!=basering global symbolic variable
CALI package, 351
cali!=basering global variable
CALI package, 352, 353
cali!=degrees global symbolic variable
CALI package, 354
cali!=degrees global variable
CALI package, 355, 356
cali!=monset global variable
CALI package, 357, 358
Call by value, 359, 360
CAMAL package, 361
Cannam, Chris, 362
Canonical form, 363, 364
canonical operator
CANTENS package, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372
DUMMY package, 373
canonicaldecomposition operator
SYMMETRY package, 374
CANTENS package, 375
CANTENS package
== operator, 376
affine space, 377
anticommutative indexed objects, 378
antisymmetric tensor, 379
depend declaration, 380
dummy indices, 381
epsilon tensor, 382
for all, 383
indices, 384, 385
indices, dummy, 386
indices, numeric, 387
indices, symbolic, 388
let, 389
loading, 390
metric tensor, 391
mixed symmetry, 392
numeric indices, 393
partial symmetry, 394
rewriting rules, 395
Riemann tensor, 396
signature, 397, 398, 399, 400
spaces, 401, 402, 403
spinor, 404
SUB, 405
sub, 406
subspaces, 407
symbolic indices, 408, 409
symmetries, 410
tensor contractions, 411
tensor derivatives, 412
tensor polynomial, 413
trace, 414
variables, 415, 416, 417
Caprasse, Hubert, 418, 419
card_no shared global variable, 420, 421
cartan_system operator
EDS package, 422
Cartesian coordinates
ORTHOVEC package, 423
Catalan reserved variable, 424, 425
cauchy_system operator
EDS package, 426
TAYLOR package, 427
cde operator
CDE package, 428
CDE package, 429
cde_grading operator
CDE package, 430
CDIFF package, 431
ceiling operator, 432
cf operator, 433
RATAPRX package, 434
cf_even_odd operator
RATAPRX package, 435
cf_remove_constant operator
RATAPRX package, 436
cf_remove_fractions operator
RATAPRX package, 437
cf_unit_denominators operator
RATAPRX package, 438
cf_unit_numerators operator
RATAPRX package, 439
cf_continuents operator
RATAPRX package, 440
cf_convergent operator
RATAPRX package, 441
cf_convergents operator
RATAPRX package, 442
cf_euler operator, 443
RATAPRX package, 444, 445
cf_expression operator
RATAPRX package, 446
cf_taylor switch
RATAPRX package, 447
cf_transform operator
RATAPRX package, 448
cfrac operator, 449, 450
CGB operator, 451
CGB package, 452
CGBFULLRED switch, 453
CGBGEN switch, 454
CGBGS switch, 455
CGBREAL switch, 456
CGBSTAT switch, 457
Chain rule, 458
change of term orders
CALI package, 459
change_termorder operator
CALI package, 460
change_termorder!* symbolic procedure
CALI package, 461
change_termorder1 operator
CALI package, 462
change_termorder1!* symbolic procedure
CALI package, 463
changevar operator, 464
char_matrix operator
LINALG package, 465
char_poly operator
LINALG package, 466
character operator
SYMMETRY package, 467
Character set, 468
characteristic_variety operator
EDS package, 469
charactern operator
SYMMETRY package, 470
characters operator
EDS package, 471
charactertabl operator
SYMMETRY package, 472
Chebyshev fit, 473
Chebyshev polynomials, 474, 475, 476
Chebyshev_base_T procedure, 477
Chebyshev_base_U procedure, 478
chebyshev_df operator
NUMERIC package, 479
chebyshev_eval operator
NUMERIC package, 480
chebyshev_fit operator
NUMERIC package, 481
chebyshev_int operator
NUMERIC package, 482
ChebyshevT, 483
ChebyshevT operator, 484
ChebyshevU, 485
ChebyshevU operator, 486
checkord switch, 487
checkproplist boolean operator
ASSIST package, 488
Chi (hyperbolic cosine integral) operator, 489, 490
cholesky operator
LINALG package, 491
Ci (cosine integral) operator, 492, 493
cleanup operator
EDS package, 494
clear command, 495, 496, 497
clear_dummy_base command
DUMMY package, 498
clear_dummy_names command
DUMMY package, 499
clearbag operator
ASSIST package, 500
clearcaliprintterms operator
CALI package, 501
clearflag operator
ASSIST package, 502
clearfunctions operator
ASSIST package, 503
clearop operator
ASSIST package, 504
clearphysop command
PHYSOP package, 505
clearprop operator
ASSIST package, 506
clearrules command, 507
clearscreen Turtle function, 508
Clebsch Gordan coefficients, 509
Clebsch_Gordan operator, 510
closed operator
EDS package, 511
closure operator
EDS package, 512
cls Turtle function, 513
cobasis operator
EDS package, 514
codim operator
CALI package, 515
codim!* symbolic procedure
CALI package, 516
coeff operator, 517
coeff2 operator
COEff2 package, 518
COEFF2 package, 519
coeff_matrix operator
LINALG package, 520
Coefficient, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525
coeffn operator, 526
coercemat operator
ASSIST package, 527
cofactor operator, 528
Coframe, 529, 530
with metric, 531
with signature, 532
coframe command, 533
EXCALC package, 534
coframing operator
EDS package, 535
Cohen, Ian, 536
collect keyword, 537
column degree
CALI package, 538
column_dim operator
LINALG package, 539
combinations operator
ASSIST package, 540
Combinatorial numbers, 541
combineexpt switch, 542
combinelogs switch, 543
combnum operator
ASSIST package, 544
comm operator
PHYSOP package, 545
SPDE package, 546
Command, 547
ed, 548
bye, 549
cont, 550
define, 551
pause, 552
resetreduce, 553
showtime, 554
Command terminator
in command, 555
/*…*/ (inline), 556
% (Percent sign), 557
comment keyword, 558
comment keyword, 559
commute operator
PHYSOP package, 560
commutedf switch, 561
comp switch, 562
compact operator, 563
COMPACT package, 564
companion operator
LINALG package, 565
Compiler, 566
Complex coefficient, 567
complex switch, 568, 569, 570, 571
complex_conjugates declaration, 572
Compound statement, 573, 574
Computations with supersymmetric algebraic and differential expressions, 575
Computing limits, 576
Conditional statement, 577, 578
conj operator, 579
Constructor, 580
cont command, 581
contact operator
EDS package, 582
contfrac operator, 583, 584
Continued fractions, 585
continued_fraction operator, 586, 587
contract switch, 588
conv_cdiff2superfun operator
CDE package, 589
conv_superfun2cdiff operator
CDE package, 590
coordinates command
AVECTOR package, 591
coordinates operator
EDS package, 592
Coordinates, cartesian
ORTHOVEC package, 593
Coordinates, cylindrical
ORTHOVEC package, 594
Coordinates, spherical
ORTHOVEC package, 595
coords vector
AVECTOR package, 596
copy_into operator
LINALG package, 597
cos numerical operator, 598
cosd numerical operator, 599
cosh numerical operator, 600
cot numerical operator, 601
cotd numerical operator, 602
coth numerical operator, 603
Cotter, Caroline, 604
CRACK package, 605
crack, running in CDE package, 606
cramer switch, 607, 608
cref switch, 609, 610
cresys operator
SPDE package, 611, 612
cross infix operator
AVECTOR package, 613
EDS package, 614
Cross product, 615, 616
Cross reference, 617
crossvect operator
ASSIST package, 618
csc numerical operator, 619
cscd numerical operator, 620
csch numerical operator, 621
Csetrepresentation operator
SYMMETRY package, 622
vector field, 623
curl operator
AVECTOR package, 624
ORTHOVEC package, 625
CVIT package, 626
cyclicpermlist operator
ASSIST package, 627
Cylindrical coordinates
ORTHOVEC package, 628
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