Commands and Declarations

A command is an order to the system to do something. Some commands cause visible results (such as calling for input or output); others, usually called declarations, set options, define properties of variables, or define procedures. Commands are formally defined as a statement followed by a terminator

\(\langle \)command\(\rangle \) \(\longrightarrow \) \(\langle \)statement\(\rangle \)\(\langle \)terminator\(\rangle \)
\(\langle \)terminator\(\rangle \) \(\longrightarrow \) ;\(\ \mid \ \)$

Some REDUCE commands and declarations are described in the following sub-sections.

6.1 Array Declarations
6.2 Mode Handling Declarations
6.3 END
6.4 BYE Command
6.5 Timing Facilities
6.6 DEFINE Command

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