19.6 Tracing Inactive Rules: TRRLID, UNTRRLID

The command trrlid initiates tracing of individual rule lists that have been assigned to variables, but have not been activated using let:

trrlid <rlid1>, <rlid2>, ..., <rlidn>;

where each of the \(<rlid_i>\) is an identifier of a rule list (that is, a non-indexed variable which is bound to a rule list). It is assumed that they will be activated later, either via a let command or by using the where operator. When they are activated and fire, tracing output will be as if they had been traced using trrl. The command untrrlid clears the tracing. This facility is an extension of the rdebug package.

Here is a simple example that continues the example above:

trrlid trigrules;

1 - sin(x)^2 where trigrules;

Rule trigrules.1: sin(x)**2 => 1 - cos(x)**2$


untrrlid trigrules;

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